Partners & Collaborators
Forming critical partnerships between entrepreneurs, established industry, US national laboratories and universities
Design, construct & commission land-based wellbore projects
SolstenXP is a project life cycle petroleum engineering and natural resource service company, provide project management, engineering and contracting services for natural resource industries in Alaska and beyond. SolstenXP routinely plans and executes large projects in challenging environments and takes pride in creating innovative solutions to reduce costs, improve safety, save time and enhance project value.
Technical partner providing experimental & analytical resources
PNNL advances the frontiers of knowledge, taking on some of the world’s greatest science and technology challenges. Distinctive strengths in chemistry, earth sciences, and data analytics are the heart of their science mission, laying a foundation for innovations that improve America’s energy resiliency and enhance national security.
FFRDC with world-class facilities and equipment for bench scale testing, evaluation, and demonstration of HTL processing technology, routinely supports technology transfer of lab-derived technology to industry. To support this effort, PNNL has assembled a team of PhD level staff with expertise in chemical engineering; the chemistry, reactions and modeling of biowaste conversion and REE processing; biocrude upgrading/co-processing; mine engineering, processing, and separations; wastewater treatment; HTL reactor and supporting equipment design
Design, construct & commission sub-oceanic wellbore projects
Dedicated to solving the challenges facing the oil and gas industry offshore, Aarbakke Innovation (AAI) brings extensive knowledge and experience in deploying oil technology for deep sea applications. AAI is a dynamic, nimble, fast moving, and independent engineering R&D organization, founded on the principles of innovation and entrepreneurialism to deliver creative, specialized solutions for the oil and gas industry. With the backing of Aarbakke International, AAI has the resources to reach their ambitious goals and to deploy PyroPhase's technology for sub-oceanic applications.
Provides novel separation & purification technology of REE+
Experienced with commercial Wilsa units for electromagnetic, high Tesla field separations to facilitate the ferromagnetic, diamagnetic, paramagnetic elemental diversion separation and classification of post extraction REE+.